2019-05-07 | EN15804: Module D is essential for supporting an environmentally-sound circular economy in the building sector
The standard EN 15804 defines the core rules to develop Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) in Europe. This standard uses a modular approach for three product life cycle stages: production (Module A), in use (Module B) and end-of-life stage (Module C), combined with a cut-off rule which does not allow consideration of the recycling aspects from a full product life cycle. As a result, Module D is included to consider the additional aspect of recycling which is not addressed through the recycled content metric. As an example, for a metal product made of 40% recycled metal which is recycled at a rate of 90% at end of life, Module D reports the additional benefits resulting from the 50% of recycled metal which is not addressed by the recycled content approach.
Module D is then complementary to Modules A to C and provides an overview of the recycling performance and benefits for the full product life cycle. Hence, it is a key element in supporting an environmentally-sound circular economy in the building sector.